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Particle Plumes in a Turbulent Background

Author(s): Adrian C. H. Lai; S. N. Chan; J. W. Er; Adrian W. K. Law; E. Eric Adams

Linked Author(s): Wing Keung, Adrian Law, Eric Adams, Shu Ning Chan

Keywords: Two-phase flows; Turbulence; Particle Plumes; Plume breakdown

Abstract: We report in this paper the first study on particle plumes in a turbulent background. A jet array in which each jet was programmed to turn on and off randomly was used to generate a roughly isotropic and homogeneous turbulence. Particles of sizes range from 0.0675 mm to 0.725 mm were discharged continuously from a submerged hourglass to produce steady plume flows into the turbulent background. The changes in plume mixing characteristics (comparing to plumes in quiescent ambient) due to the effect of turbulence is reported. The breakdown of some plumes due to the turbulence were observed and a criteria for the breaking down of plume is presented.


Year: 2014

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