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Propose the Measures for Mitigation of Conflicts in Surface Water Uses on Sesan-Srepok River Basin Basing on Ecohydrology Approach

Author(s): Ngo Thi Thuy Duong; Le Dinh Thanh

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Keywords: Sesan–Srepok river; Surface water use; Conflict; Eco-hydrology

Abstract: Sesan–Srepok river basin located in the Highland center of Vietnam, it is very important for eco-social development and environmental protection of the region. The water resources of the basin have good potential for different uses, but it does large variation with time and space. In the region of Central Highland, the social economical developments are very rapidly during recent years, these caused many conflicts in water use, especially in surface water uses of the basin. The conflicts between hydropower and irrigation and flood control or between water uses of different areas on the basin are the biggest. In this study, the studied results in situations of water resources and water uses for different development have assessed, some main conflicts in surface water uses have been identified. From these studied results and basing on the concepts of eco-hydrology, some suitable and feasible measures for solving and mitigating the conflicts have been proposed.


Year: 2014

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