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Seasonal Evolution of Shoreline Changes in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam

Author(s): Nguyen Trung Viet; Nguyen Viet Duc; Le Thanh Binh; Duong Hai Thuan; Tran Thanh Tung; Nguyen Van Thin; Dinh Van Uu; Jean Pierre Lefebvre; Rafael Almar; Hitoshi Tanaka

Linked Author(s): Thanh Tung Tran , Trung Viet Nguyen, Hitoshi Tanaka

Keywords: Inter-tidal topography; Nha Trang; Shoreline detection; Video image analysis

Abstract: Nha Trang beach is located in the south east part of Vietnam. Nha Trang is the principal growing Vietnamese seaside resort and of high socio-economic importance. Major erosion has been observed over the last years affected the future perspectives of tourism development. A better understanding of the natural coastal processes governing the evolution of this stretch of coast is crucial to face the vulnerability to both human activities and demographic pressure and but also natural hazards (e.g. typhoons, erosion, submersion). Recently, beside traditional methods which measure basic data of hydrodynamics and sediment characteristic, for investigate shoreline evolution, video camera-based remote sensing is particularly well suited to monitoring shoreline evolution as a new method for observation and monitoring shoreline. It covers timescales from seconds to years and spatial scales from meters to kilometers and possible for monitoring beach morphology as well as dominant factors governing evolution in the nearshore area. Seasonal evolution of shoreline changes in Nha Trang beach has been carried out thoroughly using video camera technique. Furthermore, typhoon impacts make the shoreline signal looking like eroding steps (impact of each typhoon is~4-8 m) and cumulated seasonal shoreline variation amplitude is~15 m, recovery to individual events is quite fast (~1.5 month). Large resilience of the system. Now how the beach will be affected by a potential increase of the frequency of typhoons.


Year: 2014

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