Author(s): Koki Misawa; So Kazama; Takeshi Suzuki; Keiko Udo; Seiki Kawagoe
Linked Author(s): So Kazama
Keywords: General Circulation Models; Climate scenario; Flood; Storm surge; Land slide; Coastal erosion
Abstract: The damage caused by various disasters was expressed in the form of map. Economic damages were estimated for 4disasters, which are flood, land slide, storm surge and coastal erosion. Disaster risk map and General Circulation Models (GCM) data were used in this study. The damage costs of all disasters were calculated for current year, near future and far future by using GCM model and their scenario. Flood and storm surge can occur in the same location thus we use same-year-occurrence costs to estimate compound disasters. The value of damage costs were 1.8 billion USD in near future and from 1.9 billion USD in far future.
Year: 2014