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Water and Energy Harminization, Tools from the Aim-Alpine Space in Movement Project

Author(s): M. Peviani; A. Danelli

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Keywords: RES-e Directive; WF Directive; Hydropower; Water bodies connectivity; River ecosystem; Reservoir sedimentation management; Flushing operation; Water energy harmonization

Abstract: EU countries must increase their share of renewable electricity production according to RES-e Directive, leading to at least 20% of energy consumption coming from renewables. Water is the most important renewable resource for electricity production in Alpine areas. On one hand, hydroelectric production has to be maintained/increased, on the other hydropower often affects stream connectivity and damage river ecosystems. The Water Framework Directive obliges to reach a "good" ecological status in their water bodies. There is an urgent need for water & energy harmonization! Furthermore, the EUROPE 2020 points a specific target on "Resource efficient Europe" to help decouple economic growth from the use of resources, support the shift towards a low carbon economy, increase the use of renewable energy. The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe outlines how to transform EU economy into a sustainable one by 2050. It proposes methods to increase productivity avoiding environmental impact. In particular, the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources aims to tackle the obstacles to safeguard Europe's water resources. The project Alpine space In Movement (AIM) is becoming a “megaphone” of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) projects active in the field of water & renewable energy. AIM capitalize on the achievements of the numerous ASP projects dedicated to the promotion of energy production from renewables and on the optimization of water resource exploitation.


Year: 2014

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