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Fuzzy Inference Model for Multi-Reservoirs System

Author(s): Changwon Choi; Jaeeung Yi

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Keywords: Fuzzy inference model; Optimal operation; Multiple reservoir operation; PMF

Abstract: Due to the impact of global warming, damages by abnormal flood events has increased recently. Multipurpose reservoirs are controlled by reservoir operation rules based on monthly target levels. However, these rules become ineffective when abnormal flood events occur. In this study, linear programming method, one of the optimization methods, and fuzzy control technique, which can appropriately deal with the uncertainty and vagueness involved in water resources problems, were combined to develop “fuzzy optimized operation method.” The fuzzy optimized operation method is able to operate for more than two multipurpose reservoirs in case abnormal flood events occur. The method was applied to the Andong and Imha Reservoirs to minimize maximum flood in the Andong City while satisfying physical and operational constraints. Fuzzy rules are derived based on the solutions of the linear programming. The Upper Nakdong River Basins where the Andong and the Imha Reservoirs are located were selected as a test basin. The application of the method to the test basin showed that suitable operational option can be provided to decision-makers even when abnormal flood events such as PMF (Probable Maximum Flood) occur.


Year: 2010

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