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Comparative Study of Ground Water Recharge Methods and Its Sustainibility Through Parametric Evaluations

Author(s): S D Desai; S B Charhate; P A Dode

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Keywords: Rtificial recharge (AR); Percolation Tank (PT); Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting (RWH)

Abstract: Artificial recharge project was carried out at tyre manufacturing industry in Vadodara, Gujarat State of India. Ground water was the only source for various industrial processes. Hence due to continuous pumping of ground water depleted and lowered by 1m to 1.5m every year. Owing to the conditions prevailing in the vicinity a need was felt to introduce artificial recharge to meet the water requirements. In this paper two recharging methods i.e. Percolation Tank (PT) and Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) are studied. A PT was excavated between two tubewells namely, T-5&T-6, which were recharged through percolation. As a result Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in T-5, T-6 reduced 32%. Annual recharge quantity was found out to be 2040 m 3. Another two tube wells T-7&T-16, were taken under RWH and the amount of recharge was found as 9466m 3. Also TDS of the water in the tube well reduced by 58%. Thus compared to PT the amount of recharge through RWH was found to be three times more effective. The average rise of water level in T-5 and T-6 was 4.13m, for T-7 and T-161.805m. Hence the rise in water level through the PT was almost twice compared to RWH. Subsequently permeability (K) parameter of soil was calculated using Theim and Dupuit’s equation (Todd, 1980) for all the tubewells in the industrial premises to verify their recharging capacity. The Soil Conservation System (SCS) was used to calculate runoff for PT&RWH which was found as 34.3%&89.9%respectively.


Year: 2010

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