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An XML-Based Genetic Algorithm Tool: Application for the Calibration of Tank Model

Author(s): Amilcar Soares Junior; Camilo A. S. De Farias; Celso Augusto Guimaraes Santos; Koichi Suzuki

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Keywords: XML; Genetic algorithms; Tank model

Abstract: In many different fields of science we are faced with optimization problems. Several approaches have been proposed to solve such difficulties, including the use of Genetic Algorithms (GA). This paper aims at presenting the implementation of a configurable and portable GA that uses the e Xtensible Markup Language (XML) to describe input and output files of a problem optimization. The tool is applied for the calibration of the rainfall-runoff tank model in order to estimate daily inflows to the Ishite river Dam, which is the reservoir that supplies water to the city of Matsuyama, Japan. The basic principle of the tank model consists of representing the river basin as a set of tanks in which the outflows of each tank are proportional to the water height from the respective outlets. The calibration and validation results show that the XML-based GA tool was very efficient for defining the tank model parameters. Since any application or platform capable of processing XML can utilize this tool, it may be an important alternative for solving water resources problems.


Year: 2010

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