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Simulation of Pollutant Transport Using 2-D River Analysis and Modeling System (RAMS) Around Mulgeum Intake Station

Author(s): Kim Ji Hoon; Kim Jae Dong; Kim Young Do; Lyu Siwan; Seo Il Won

Linked Author(s): Il Won Seo, Young Do Kim

Keywords: Dvection; Dispersion; Mulgeum intake station; RAM2; RAM4; ADCP

Abstract: The advection and dispersion of pollutants in natural rivers is a principal issue in river management. To study the pollutant transport in natural rivers, the effects of meandering and confluence of tributary on mixing processes have to be analyzed. The Nakdong river down stream, which is an application area of this study, is the important drinking water sources of Busan city and Gyeongnam province. Intake stations situated downstream have been polluted by an inflow of waste water dealt with improperly by the tributaries which were situated around Mulgeum intake station in particular has direct influence of Daepo-cheon and Sogam-cheon situated in a factory area over there. In this study, the velocity distribution was analyzed around Mulgeum intake station using RAM2which is the 2-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model. The 2-dimensional pollutant transport was also simulated using RAM4 for the cases of water quality accidents in Daepo-cheon and Sogamcheon. ADCP was used for verifying the simulation results of RAM2. BOD, TN, TP were chosen to verify the results of RAM4. Following this study, If there were inflow pollutants from branch streams, which situated right bank, it was analyzed that it was less influenced to intake station which is on left side of stream as increasing flow of mainstream.


Year: 2010

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