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Morphodynamic Processes at Mariakerke: Numerical Model Implementation

Author(s): R. Silva; R. De Sutter; R. Delgado

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Keywords: No keywords


Within the framework of the project “Alternative maintenance measures for beach nourishment: monitoring of a pilot site” , the contribution of underwater nourishment to reduce maintenance, and thus extending the lifetime of beach nourishment along the Belgium coast, without compromising coastal safety, is to be assessed. This is based on an integrated approach, including field measurement campaigns, numerical modelling and the definition and evaluation of a number of morphological indicators, for Mariakerke coastal area in Ostend, Belgium. Within the first steps of the assessment was the implementation of a numerical model for the simulation of the short term hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes (beach response to storms and nourishments). XBeach was implemented in its hydrostatic mode using hydrodynamic, sedimentary and morphological conditions measured, during a particularly stormy period, captured in one of the conducted field campaigns. Firstly, the model was set-up in one-dimension. A sensitivity analysis and a calibration were performed. Then, it was set-up in quasi-two-dimensions. The process of implementation, sensitivity analysis, calibration, testing, discussion and main conclusions are here presented.


Year: 2016

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