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Impact of the Sea Level Rise on Low Lying Areas of Coastal Zone: The Case of Batu Pahat

Author(s): A. B. Yannie; A. H. Radzi; A. Dunstan; W. H. M. Wan Mohtar

Linked Author(s): Mohd Radzi Bin Abd. Hamid

Keywords: sea level rise; Batu Pahat; hydrodynamic model; inundation risk map

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of sea level rise at the coastal zone area of Batu Pahat, Johor which identified as low lying area, located at the south west of Peninsular Malaysia. The coastline of Batu Pahat has experiencing severe erosion and significant land loss due to being inundated by sea water. The inundation profile was predicted using Numerical modelling developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) familiarly known as MIKE 21 Flexible Mesh–HD. The model predict the inundation profile for the year of 2020 and2040 along the Batu Pahat coastline, where the hydrodynamic condition in 2013 was referred as baseline year. The model boundary was design meeting the interest or critical area of the coastal segment of Batu Pahat with dimensions of 42.7×126 km2. Tidal, current and wave data were calibrated and the error ranges are within the acceptable limit. From the model simulation, current speed has increase from 0.2–0.39 m/s (baseline) to0.36–0.9 m/s in year 2020 and has reached up to 1.8 m/s by the year 2040. On the other hand, inundation map produced showing 1.08%of the developed areas including industrial zone will be affected by the year 2020. The percentage for population area, road networks and mangroves forest is approximately 2.04%, 18.18%and29.08%respectively for the year 2020. Hitting the year 2040 however, the numbers are expected to increase up to 2.47%for population, 21.21%for road network and about 33.3%for mangrove forest areas.


Year: 2016

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