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Field Measurements and Numerical Modelling on Local Scour Around a Ferry Slip Structure

Author(s): P. Penchev; V. Bojkov; V. Penchev

Linked Author(s): Ventzi Bojkov, Valeri Penchev

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: This paper reviews a case study on a ferry slip near the town of Nikopol, Bulgaria, located at the Lower Danube River. This ferry slip is an earth and rock-fill hydraulic structure designed to operate as a terminal for passengers and cargo. The location of the ferry slip, together with its complex spatial geometry, led to some structural deformations caused by the complex dynamics of the river flow, the contracted cross section, and the secondary currents along the structure which eventually triggered scour processes at the foot of the structure. Engineering works were done to strengthen the river bed and stop these processes. Detailed hydrographic measurements, including bathymetry, current velocity, turbidity and sediment samples, were carried out to assess the situation of the river bed around the structure in June 2015. Two-dimensional numerical model was elaborated to perform hindcast simulations on the scour mechanism and development.


Year: 2016

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