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Efficient Management of Inland Navigation Reaches Equipped with Lift Pumps in a Climate Change Context

Author(s): H. Nouasse; A. Doniec; E. Duviella; K. Chuquet

Linked Author(s): Eric Duviella

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: In a climate change context, less available water resource is expected in close future. The periods of drought will be more frequent with higher magnitudes. The quantification of the frequency, duration and intensity of future drought events has been proposed in recent publications. Inland navigation networks will be also impacted by these events. Hence, it is necessary to develop new infrastructure policy and to design adaptive water management strategies. One solution consists in equipping the inland navigation reaches with lift pumps able to pumping water back up to the upstream reaches. It is an interesting solution to limit the water consumption and to keep the water resource. However, the electricity costs should be very important. Thus, the main objective to this paper is to present an adaptive management strategy of inland navigation reaches equipped with lift pumps able limiting the electricity costs and guaranteeing enough water for the navigation accommodation. This management strategy is based on the definition of a quadratic optimization problem. An example of an inland navigation network that is composed of two reaches is proposed to detail the proposed approach and to highlight its performance.


Year: 2016

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