Author(s): J. Sande; E. Pena; E. Macineira; L. Priegue; M. E. Gomez-Martin
Linked Author(s): Carlos Eduardo Cubillos Peña, Maria Esther Gomez-Martin, Enrique Peña González
Keywords: Roundheads; Single-layer armour; Cubipod; Armour damage; Roundhead radius
Abstract: This paper presents a small-scale physical model study about the stability of small and large breakwaters roundheads armoured with one single-layer of Cubipod units. The objective was to characterize the performance of roundheads and the armour damage evolution. Breakwater roundheads with different curvatures were tested in different conditions but the observed evolution and location of the armour damage were quite similar. Active zone was defined by wave period and wave height, which were confirmed to be relevant factors to explain the evolution of damage. The curvature of the roundhead was found to be a relevant factor in the design; under certain conditions, breakwaters with small and large roundheads shown similar hydraulic stability.
Year: 2014