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A Detailed Measurement Campaign of Spatial Velocity Profiles in Vertically Submersible Pumps

Author(s): F. I. H. Verhaart; A. De Fockert; S. A. A. Zwanenburg

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Keywords: Pumps; Velocity profile; Physical model test; ANSI/HI 9. 8-2012 standard

Abstract: The ANSI/HI 9. 8-2012 standard for Pump Intake Design is world-wide accepted as standard for scale model tests of intake structures. Among others, it is prescribed to judge the velocity profile in the suction pipes of vertically submersible pumps at the level of the bell mouth throat. The velocity measured on any point should not deviate more than 10% from the crosssectional area average velocity. In literature, also other acceptance criteria can be found. There is no consensus in the literature on the most reliable acceptance criterion for a proper pump feeding. A standardized set-up is built in which velocity profiles are measured at different heights in a suction pipe. In addition, the effect of modifications to both the pump sump and the suction arrangement are investigated. The results of this detailed measurement campaign on velocity profiles are described in detail in this paper. From the measurements it is concluded that the ANSI rules might be too conservative. Further research is required to obtain more reliable acceptance criteria with respect to velocity profiles.


Year: 2014

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