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Computation of Bed Deformation in an S-Shaped Channel Using 3D Numerical Simulation

Author(s): Robert Feurich; Nils Reidar B. Olsen

Linked Author(s): Nils Reidar B. Olsen, Robert Feurich

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Protection measures in alpine rivers can only be set effectively and adjusted to endangered areas when the effects of the flow on the riverbed and walls are well known. To improve this knowledge experiments have been performed at the University of Innsbruck in an S-shaped trapezoidal channel with two bends and a slope of S=0. 005. Gravel with a mean diameter between 4. 2 and 6. 4 mm was used as movable bed material, for sediment feeding and wall roughness. In this study a 3-D numerical model has been applied to model sediment transport and bed deformation of that laboratory channel. The collected bed surface measurement data was used to verify the results of the numerical simulation. Several parameters have been varied in the numerical model (e. g. roughness, active sediment layer thickness etc. ) within a sensitivity analysis to obtain good correspondence between computed and measured bed deformation. Thus the results of the numerical simulation could be satisfactory improved and the influence of the varied parameters on the results could be shown.


Year: 2010

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