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Switch-Delivering a Paradigm Shift in Water Management in the City of the Future

Author(s): Jennifer Chlebek; Geoff Denham; Kala Vairavamoorthy; Rae Mackay

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Keywords: Learning Alliance; Demand Led Research; Water Management; Future Planning

Abstract: The SWITCH project aim is to deliver a paradigm shift to bring about change in the management of water in the city of the future. The Project involves a number of demonstration cities globally. In these cities, SWITCH is undertaking innovative research in conjunction with the city stakeholders concerned with water management. Engagement among the stakeholders is developed though Learning Alliance processes. A Learning Alliance is a stakeholder community focused on the solution to a common problem and supported by a facilitation team. The Learning Alliances, created in the cities by the SWITCH project, provide a platform whereby water managers can come together and openly discuss water management issues. This paper describes some of the work that is being carried out globally through individual city-based Learning Alliances. It examines how the learning alliance methodology has assisted researchers to deliver demand led research. It also describes some of the approaches developed to realise a vision of water management in the future. The Learning Alliance facilitation teams have been working with key stakeholders to ensure scaling up of the innovations through demonstration activities.


Year: 2010

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