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Transitioning Urban Water Systems

Author(s): Alison Duffy; Kerry Smith; Taye Akinrelere; Chris Jefferies

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: One of the final outputs of the SWITCH FP6 integrated project is to deliver a guidance manual on transitioning from the existing urban water management paradigm to the future paradigm of integrated and sustainable urban water management (SUWM). The manual focuses on three key areas: technical, financial and governance transitions. This paper describes the development of a technical transition tool (TTT) which will assist stakeholders and water managers to transition in phases between existing and future urban water paradigms. TTT is primarily being developed from the combined work of two PhD s and several decision support tools under development in the City Water Information System (CWIS). Research is currently being undertaken in two key areas in urban water management: wastewater assets and infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) for roads. The team is developing a tool using multi objective optimization processes that can be used to model future scenarios and strategies for transitioning towards SUWM. Valuable datasets will be delivered that will help understand system limitations through analysis of existing and future operational scenarios, define the progressive shape of future optimal systems and assess practical and financial implications for the systems. Using the innovative outputs being delivered, TTT will inform technical guidance in the transition manual. The tool will illustrate how new technologies can best be integrated into existing infrastructures of cities.


Year: 2010

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