Author(s): Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak; Fabrice Zaoui; Nicole Goutal
Linked Author(s): Nicole Goutal, Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: One-dimensional (1-D) numerical models of solute transport in open channels rely on the advection-dispersion equation, in which the longitudinal dispersion coefficient is an unknown parameter to be calibrated. In this work, we investigate the extent to which some of existing dispersion formulas can be used in 1-D numerical modeling of solute transport. The 1-D numerical modeling used here is the open source MASCARET numerical tool. The water quality component of this tool simulates solute transport processes, consisting of advection, diffusion and mass reduction/generation by physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. Dispersion coefficient formulas proposed by Elder (1959), Fisher (1975), Mc Quivey and Keefer (1974), Magazine et al. (1988), Koussis and Rodriguez-Mirasol (1998), Seo and Cheong (1998), Deng et al. (2001) and Kashefipur and Falconer (2002) are tested by simulating laboratory experimental cases under uniform flow and the transport of tritium in the Loire River over the period July 1 st 1999 to December 31 st 1999. Comparisons between computed and measured concentrations show that formulas proposed by Elder and Fisher rank as the best predictors for the entire range of laboratory experiments, while better predictions are provided by the formula of Seo and Cheong for the field case under unsteady flow.
Year: 2012