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Intake Flow Investigation at Run-of-River Power Plant Fluhmuhle by Means of Physical Modelling and Stereoscopic PIV Measuring

Author(s): Petr Lichtneger; Jurgen Stamm; Detlef Aigner; Ulf Helbig

Linked Author(s): Ulf Helbig, Jürgen Stamm

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The paper gives an overview of experiments which were done to investigate the intake flow on the Hydro Power Plant Fluhmuhle. The project’s aim was to model the flow physically and to simulate various flow conditions to evaluate their influence on the turbine operation with respect to the efficiency and the intake head losses. The free surface vortex occurring on the intakes was assumed to be the main problem. On the model stereoscopic particle image velocimetry was applied to get better insight into the flow structure inside the turbine intake. It has been shown, that the swirl flow with coherent vortices produces local extremes of both radial and axial velocity components in the intake which propagate deeper into the turbine passage. The damping effect of the trash rack onto the vortex strength was also demonstrated as well as the influence of the adjacent turbines.


Year: 2012

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