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GIS-Based Data Preparation and Surface Flow Simulations of the Nilufer River Basin in Turkey

Author(s): Serdar Korkmaz

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The surface hydrology of the Nilufer river basin in northwestern Turkey is studied. The basin forms the essential water resource of the city of Bursa which is the fourth largest in Turkey. Due to the Mount Uluda? with a peak of 2531 m, highly variable weather conditions are observed inside the basin. In current study, a numerical hydrological model is formed in order to simulate the surface flows of the basin. The inputs are prepared in GIS environment. The digital elevation model (DEM) of the basin is obtained from SRTM database. Through the analysis of the DEM, the flow directions and drainage areas are obtained. The river network is compared to the ones obtained from international databases as well as to a printed map. In the end of the analysis, total basin area is found as1986 km2. The missing precipitation data is estimated using two methods, namely, inverse distance weighting method and correlation coefficient weighting method. The potential evapotranspiration data is acquired from CGIAR-CSI Global Potential Evapo-Transpiration and Aridity Index database and 45 zones covering the basin area are obtained. The land cover data is obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute in the same format as CORINE. The numerical model applied to the Nilufer river basin is MODCOU developed at Ecole des Mines de Paris. Initially precipitation is partitioned into infiltration, surface runoff, evapotranspiration, and soil stock, and then, the simulations of surface flows are made. A good fit between filtered direct flow and MODCOU simulations is sought.


Year: 2012

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