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Environmental Considerations in the Design of Spillways: Analysis of Hydrodynamic Behavior

Author(s): D. Bacchiega Jorge; A. Fattor Claudio; D. Barrionuevo Hector

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Keywords: Spillways; Stilling basin; Total disolved gases; Physical modeling

Abstract: The modification of spillways can finally result in important differences from the point of view of the hydrodynamic behavior of this hydraulic structure. Those differences could be appreciated in the flow pattern, the energy dissipation, local scour downstream of the plunge pool, etc. One of the reasons to modify a spillway or a plunge pool can be based on environmental considerations like the life preservation of fishes habitat. This paper present an analysis of a conventional spillway and a modified spillway for environmental reasons, including the problem of supersaturation of total disolved gases downstream of the stilling basin. The analysis that is presented includes flow pattern, fluctuating pressures analysis and local scour, and establishes some comparisons form the hydrodynamic point of view between both hydraulic structures.


Year: 1999

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