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Monitoring Guri Spillway Plunge Pool

Author(s): Arturo Marcano

Linked Author(s): Arturo Marcano G.

Keywords: Spillway; Energy dissipation; Plunge pool; Erosion

Abstract: The spillway of Guri Final Stage Project located on the Caroni river in Southeastern Venezuela consists of three chutes equipped with three radial gates per chute. Energy dissipation of the spilled 50m/s high velocity flow is achieved by discharging the flow jets into the air using flip buckets above the original gneiss granitic river bed where residual energy is dissipated developing a plunge pool. Spillway operation and plunge pool development has been closely monitored since 1979. 350. 000 GWH of energy has been dissipated and 400. 000 m3of rock has been eroded in the pool. In this paper, an analysis based on a number of bathymetric soundings that were carried out to measure the erosion process that has ocurred in the receiving pool is presented together with estimates of energy dissipated during the period of operation in order to evaluate stabilization of the pool.


Year: 1999

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