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Rivernet Simulation for Emergency Warning

Author(s): V. I. Klenov

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Keywords: Warning systems; Emerging technologies; Monitoring; Data base

Abstract: Hasardous situations, accidents in large river basins (Danub, Rhine, Volga and its tributaries) enlarges along rivers, from its original sites. For follow, forecasting and population warning it is need to have a quick, simplified, compact and obvious information simulation tools. This instruments may be used immediately after the first information about accident. For this purpose are proposed some versions of Simulation for River Net Accidents (SRA), which are intended for extra simulation of accident fate in river basins of any structure and for monitoring support, with the possibilities for parameter calibration and communications with data bases. At the base of SRA family are used algorithmes of Genetic Coding. Any River Net, drawn on the display, is automatically coded in linear Genetic Code, as string of a lot of equal river sections. Water debit at each river cell are calculated on the base of hydrographes recorded at gauging stations, as the function of rivernet length. In other version water regime is a function of precipitations, groundwater inflow, tranzit rivers. GC is used then for simplified calculation of accident movement along rivers. SRA in intended for various kinds of accidents, which are as follows: toxical wastes, oil spills, rain floods. Contaminant moving are calculated along streams, according increasing of water expend, The kind of contaminant hazard is represented as functions of its delay, decay, dilution, concentration. For detemination of danger is used Permissible Level of Concentration (PLC). Technical characteristis are as follows: simultaneos computation for 2-5 pollutants with various physical and chemical properties, resolution of River Net is about 0. 5-3 km, number of cells is about 1500-4500. The system uses inner and external data bases. For Warning Systems are used data for population sites. Obvious vizualization of accident looks like co-processing computer map (with effect of continuous flow) with some easy chosen layers, where parts of PLC is obviously visible by automatically painting of River Net by personal colors for each danger gradation. Primary version of extra simulation and monitoring of River Net contamination and accidents is used for river Tobol monitoring support (Kurgan region). Other versions were used for prognozis for winter oil pipeline accident on river Belaya (Volga basin) and for training scenario of radionuclides falling out and spreading in the basin of upper Volga.


Year: 1999

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