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Generation of Zonal Transport by Weakly Nonlinear Rossby Waves

Author(s): Tarmo Soomere; Tiit Koppel

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Keywords: Rossby waves; Wave-wave interactions; Zonal transport

Abstract: Rossby waves and their interactions were studied experimentally in the 13-m" Coriolis' ' rotating tank. Practically linear travelling waves (typical velocities of fluid particles~1 mm/s, phase velocity~10 mm/s) were excited by a radially oscillating paddle. A stochastic wave field (expected to arise owing to reflections of waves as well as owing to non-homogeneities of the bottom and the walls) with a broad spectrum is subject to evolve according to the kinetic theory and it will support zonal flow components. In many experiments a noticeable zonal transport in the form of weak jets, with a typical width 0. 4. .. 1. 0 m and velocity~0. 04 mm/s, was detected after ca 10 wave periods. In some cases it lead to water displacements to a distance comparable to the paddle amplitude (0. 3 m).


Year: 1999

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