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Solutions to Debris Flows

Author(s): Julian Aguirre-Pe; Alix T. Moncada-M; Maria L. Olivero

Linked Author(s): Julián Aguirre Pe

Keywords: Debris flow; Macro-viscous flow; Dispersive flow; Numerical methods

Abstract: Debris flows may be generated by the sudden displacement of a retention gate that keeps back a mixture of saturated loose soil. Limits to characterize macro-viscous and dispersive debris flow regimes are presented here. Numerical solutions to the continuity and conservation of mass equations through Mac Cormack schemes are also considered. Deposition characteristics of the solid phase due to a sudden decrease in channel slope or to a sudden width increase are determined. It was found that numerical simulations offer reasonably good approximations of laboratory experiments which represent two different flow conditions: flow of saturated sand and flow of water and plastic particles.


Year: 1999

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