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Sediment Transport in a Urbanized Basin

Author(s): P. Koudelak; J. Krejcik; D. Stransky

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Keywords: Urban drainage; CSO; Monitoring and modelling; Pollution; Sediment transport; Suspended solids

Abstract: The transport and transformation processes in urbanized areas represent nowadays a significant environmental risk. The issues of the sediment transport play an important role in designing technical measures in the entire system of drainage and wastewater treatment. A toxic load to the receiving water can occur during the rain runoff due to physical and chemical processes either in sewers or receiving water. With regard to the pollution by heavy metals, the basin of Litavka river is an important locality. The unsuitable function of the sewerage system and the WWTP of the town of Pribram results in considerable pollution of the Pribramsky creek, which pollution is then transported to the Litavka river. Due to the longitudinal profile and decrease of the flow velocity, silting and long-term contamination with bottom sediments occur there. Based on the results of a hydrodynamic model and monitoring in the field, the so-called critical flow has been determined, during which the bottom sediments are flushed from the Pribramsky creek and transported to the Litavka river. The effects of historical rain events on the Pribramsky creek have been assessed and the balance of suspended solids for a period of one year determined. In the conclusion, suitable measures and a possible application of the described methodology for other basins are discussed.


Year: 1999

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