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A New Settling Column for Investigations on Turbulence Influenced Sediment Transport

Author(s): C. Reuter; J. Reuber; J. Kongeter

Linked Author(s): Jürgen Köngeter

Keywords: Settling column; Circular Couette flow; Flocculation; Sedimentation

Abstract: The transport of cohesive sediment is strongly influenced by the tendency to build flocs or aggregates. The turbulence of the flow is an important parameter in flocculation processes. In this paper a new settling column developed at the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resource Management at Aachen University of Technology, Germany, is presented. The column allows to investigate the effect of turbulence on flocculation and sedimentation. It consists of two coaxial counterrotating cylinders. The suspension is placed in the gap between the cylinders. The flow within the gap between independently rotating cylinders is well known as circular Couette flow. Investigations at a scaled model confirm that this configuration is suitable to generate a homogeneous turbulence field with intensity depending on the speed of rotation.


Year: 1999

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