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A Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Transport Model for Rivers with Transient Storage Zones

Author(s): J. Russell Manson; Steve G. Wallis; Stephen Koepplinger

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Keywords: Dvection; Dispersion; Transient-storage; Semi-Lagrangian; DISCUS; Stability; Accuracy

Abstract: A conservative, semi-Lagrangian numerical method for solute transport in fluvial systems with transient storage is presented. Numerical results are compared against an exact solution for solute transport in a uniform advective-dispersive flow with transient storage. The method is stable, accurate and free of grid-scale oscillations over a wide range of Courant and dimensionless diffusion numbers. In addition, the semi-Lagrangian method is shown to be more accurate than an Eulerian method typical of the schemes that have commonly been used in the past for this type of system.


Year: 1999

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