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Dynamic Wave Model for Flood Inundation Simulation in a River

Author(s): Kun-Yeun Han; Sang-Ho Kim; Hong-Rae Lee

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Keywords: River; Floodwave; Flood inundation; Geographic Information System

Abstract: FIAS (Flood Inundation Analysis System) using Arc/Info is developed and applied to the Namhan River basin. The dynamic wave model for flood inundation analysis is studied to handle simultaneous multiple overtopping and/or breaking of levee, to analyze the risk of levee breach, and to estimate the inundation depth and extents. The model is applied to an actual levee breach case, which occurred on August23 27, 1995 in the Namhan River. Stage hydrographs inside and outside of the levee are compared, and inundated discharges from overbank spilling are computed. Risks of levee overtopping are also computed. The Graphic User Interface is developed with AML (Arc/Info Macro Language). Two-and three-dimensional flood inundation maps by Arc/Info are presented. The estimated inundation extents agree with observations in terms of inundation depth and flooded area.


Year: 1999

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