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A Laboratory Study of Alluvial Channels with Overbank Flow

Author(s): M. A. Haidera; E. M. Valentine

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Keywords: River regime; Overbank flow; Sediment transport; Laboratory study

Abstract: A laboratory experimental programme has investigated the adjustment of straight alluvial bankfull-flow channels when they are subjected to overbank flow and allowed to develop freely. The flow rates were selected such that the flood plains were kept below the threshold of motion. The rates of change of the main channel width and depth during bankfull and overbank flow were measured. It was also found that the main channel increased its width, decreased its depth and increased its side slope, but remained straight. During overbank flow two-dimensional dunes developed. Flow rates in the final stable compound channel were calculated using vertical divisions, then corrected for interaction effects using the Ackers (1993) coherence theory and compared with the measured discharges.


Year: 1999

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