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A Field Investigation of Vegetation Effects in a Doubly Meandering Compound Channel

Author(s): C. A. M. E. Wilson; R. H. J. Sellin

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Keywords: River; Compound channel; Meandering; Vegetation; Manning’s n

Abstract: The hydraulic resistance of a small river in Hampshire UK has been found to vary both annually and with the season. This has been identified from data collected on an instrumented reach over a complete three year period. The seasonal and annual effects are thought to be due to both the annual cycle of growth of aquatic vegetation in the channel and the gradual maturing of the channel respectively. Depth-discharge curves over the three year period have been categorised into three groups and representative depth-discharge curves in each group for each year of the study are presented. Corresponding area mean velocity values and Manning’s n values have been computed for this meandering compound channel. The annual average conveyance capacity of the channel has been found to double between the growth and wet seasons. The value of n for bankfull flow was found to vary by a factor of 3between the growth season and the wet season.


Year: 1999

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