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Verification of Finite Point Model with Laborotory Experiments

Author(s): F. Nestmann; C. J. Du; H. H. Bernhart; A. Kron

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Keywords: Meshless method; Finite point method; Element-free Galerkin method; Model test

Abstract: Recently, a finite point (FP) or meshless method for simulating two-dimensional river flows has been developed in our institute. The method needs only nodal data, but no element or grid connectivity. In comparison with a mesh-based method, e. g. the finite element method, the FPM has the following advantages: (1) the manual work for data preparation is reduced because of its meshless property; (2) the dependent variables and their gradients are continuous in the entire domain; (3) a node may be easily moved, removed or added in the considered domain without local mesh modification and the corresponding renumbering and remeshing when modifying or refining the nodal distribution; and (4) the FPM satisfies the BabuOka-Brezzi condition as well. These make the method very attractive for modelling twodimensional river flows. In this paper, a FP model is briefly described. Then the model is verified with the experimental results of an ongoing project. It is shown that the results of the FP model are well agreed with those of the physical model test.


Year: 1999

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