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Bridging the Gap Between Dual-Porosity Model and Discrete Fracture Network Model for the Analysis of Groundwater Flow in a Fractured Rock Mass

Author(s): Jung-Woo Lee

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Keywords: Discrete fracture network model; Dual-porosity model; Cubic law

Abstract: The dual-porosity model and the discrete fracture network model are being used for the analysis of groundwater flow in a fractured rock mass. The dual-porosity model assumes that the medium consists of two continua at the macroscopic level, that is, fracture and rock matrix block. Saturated water flow in the matrix as well as in the fracture pore system is described using two separate flow equations which are coupled by means of water transfer term. The formulation leads to two coupled systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. The discrete fracture network model assumes that fractures form the paths for seeping water and that the conductivity in rock matrix is neglected. Node equations are developed assuming that cubic law governs the water flow through fractures. The relationship between the dual-porosity approach and the discrete fracture network approach was sought in order to bridge the gap between two models.


Year: 1999

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