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Non-Uniform Open Channel Flows Study Using Three-Dimensional Turbulence Measurements

Author(s): Jaan Hui Pu; Songdong Shao

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Keywords: Experiment; Non-uniform flow; Smooth bed; 3D; Turbulence structure

Abstract: We conducted an experimental study to investigate the three-dimensional (3D) turbulence characteristics, including 3D turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses, of different non-uniform open channel flows over the smooth bed. First, the methods used to process the experimental data were outlined and reviewed; then, the experimental instrument and conditions were discussed; finally, the analyses on various experimental data were performed. The analyses of our data set showed that the measured non-uniform flows present a slightly higher von Karman constant κ than the commonly proposed value, while the commonly used wake law integration constant Br and wake parameter П presented similar characteristics as those in the literature. The findings from our measured data further contribute to the 3D flow turbulence characteristics study, which are useful for the non-uniform flows investigation that fewer studies had been focused on in comparison with the uniform flows study.


Year: 2013

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