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Research on Ecological Compensation Mechanism and Benefits of Flood Resources Utilization from River

Author(s): Feng Feng; Jin Zheng

Linked Author(s): Feng Feng

Keywords: Flood resources; Ecological compensation; Action mechanism; Ecological benefits; Baicheng City

Abstract: In order to make use of the flood utilization in a more scientific, reasonable, safety and effective way, the author has taken the flood resources as an effective utilizable resource for regional ecological compensation and carried out the research on its function mechanism, the compensation mode and effect according to the principle “avoiding risk and playing interests”. Based on the full-process analysis and benefits’ quantitative calculation, this essay has drawn the flow process of the flood utilization from the source to the end for different utilization mode (such as reservoir, pond, wetland, irrigation area utilization, etc. ), carrying out the benefits’ quantitative calculation after the benefits identification. Meanwhile, the author has analyzed the ecological compensation effect, making clear the principle and the corresponding quantitative relations between flood utilization mode and ecological compensation effect, which has laid the basis for seeking the most scientific & reasonable ecological compensation mode for flood utilization. Considering the full process, taking the flood resources utilization data from 2003-2010 of the research area (Baicheng) as the foundation, the conclusion is obtained as follows. (1) The generated ecological benefit is most remarkable by wetland flood resources utilization, which not only includes the following connotation benefits of keeping wetland, replenishing underground-water and keeping ecological-water level, but also the epitaxial benefits of homogenizing and slowing flood, increasing tourism income and carbon-sequestration for green plants as well. (2) The economic benefits generated by reservoir utilization mode are most notable, in which the economic benefits generated by reservoirs are CNY 296 million, of wetlands are CNY 51 million, of ponds are CNY 57 million, and the irrigation areas’ economic benefits are CNY 39 million. (3) The ecological benefits of wetlands utilization mode are most notable, in which the ecological benefits generated by wetlands are CNY 341 million, of ponds are CNY 101 million, whereas no benefit for that of reservoirs and irrigation areas. (4) The economic benefit of unit flood resource generated by pond is most remarkable, which is CNY 0. 27/m3; the ecological benefit of unit flood resource generated by wetland and pond is comparatively notable, and unit ecological benefit of wetland is CNY 0. 89/m3 and that of pond is CNY 0. 47/m3,so the reservoir using mode is more favorable for generating economic benefit, and the pond and wetland using mode is more favorable for ecological compensation. The research provided a scientific basis and technical support for actual ecological compensa tion by flood resources. As a result, the new breakthrough for flood resources utilization will be achieved, and the purposes of risk-avoiding for flood resources, and the following ecological and other outreach benefits will be attained.


Year: 2013

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