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Stability of Bed Material on Cross-Bar Block Ramps

Author(s): Mario Oertel

Linked Author(s): Mario Oertel

Keywords: Cross-bar block ramp; Stability; Bed Material; Particle densimetric Froude number

Abstract: Block ramps are natural structures with adequate energy dissipation and partially moderate flow velocities. A special case is given with cross-bar block ramps, where the upstream and downstream level difference is reduced by several basins. The stability of these structures can be separated into the stability of single boulders within the cross-bars and the bed material stability. In the present paper the stability of the bed material will be analyzed to guarantee a stable structure for various flow regimes. If the bed material will be eroded also the stability of the cross-bars is affected, which can result in major damages of the ramp. Therefore new approaches to choose an appropriate bed material size are developed to design stable cross-bar block ramp structures.


Year: 2013

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