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Landscape Pattern and Variation Trend of Wetland in Gro-Pastoral Ecotone

Author(s): Jinrong Li; Jianying Guo; Xiaolong Hu; Bo Xue

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Keywords: Wetland; Landscape Pattern; Agro-pastoral Ecotone; Duolun County

Abstract: Based on the remote sensing data of 1979, 2000 and 2010, we studied the wetland landscape pattern and its variation trend in the typical farming-pastoral zone--Duolun County. The result shows that: The wetland area increased during 1987 and 2010, and the total reduced area was 13504. 63 hm2. During 1987 and 2000, the transfer rate of swamp wetland and river-reservoir wetland were -1. 74% and -0. 12% . Swamp wetland and river-reservoir wetland in the years 1987-2000 were reduced respectivel y by 1. 74% and 0. 12% . During 2000-2010, swamp wetland continued decreasing by 4. 81% , but river-reservoir wetland increased by 0. 18% . The transfer from wetland to non-wetland was that swamp wetland transferred to forest, grassland and farmland. The transfer rate from 2000 and 2010 was 1. 3 times than the rate from 1987 and 2000. Internal transfer of wetland during 1987 and 2000 was swamp wetland net increase and during 2000 and 2010 was river-reservoir wetland net increase. The result of principal component analysis of driving force shows that: The main nature factors which made wetland decrease were arid and hot climate. Population increase and a series of chain reaction led to wetland decrease. Meanwhile, proper policy guide could solve the conflicts among population, resources and environment, and protect wetland.


Year: 2013

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