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The Evolution Rules of Water Resources in the North Part of Haihe River Basin

Author(s): Zhai Jiaqi; Pei Yuansheng; Zhao Yong

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Keywords: Water resources; Mountain; Plain; Evolution laws; The North Part of Haihe River Basin

Abstract: Based on the Distributed Hydrological Model——WACM model, this paper analyses the distribution regulation of time and space of the water resources in the north part of Haihe River, the plain area and the mountain area. The results show that the whole north part of Haihe River is short of water, the storage variation of surface water, soil water and underground water is negative, and it decreases generally. Especially in the plain area, because of the frequent human activities, the underground water declines, the groundwater overexploitation is so serious and the surface water decreases, while the soil water storage variable increases a slight, because of the farm irrigation and the thickening unsaturated zone of soil.


Year: 2013

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