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Laboratorial Method to Establish Fish Habitat Suitability Curve

Author(s): Yisi Zhuge; Defu Liu; Hongwu Tan; Junping Yan

Linked Author(s): Defu Liu

Keywords: Fish habitat; Suitability curve; Factor analysis method

Abstract: Biological habitat method is one of the main methods for ecological water demand calculation in river. To establish the numerical relationship between organisms and characteristic index, which represents the physical and chemical property of habitat, is the key part in biological habitat method. Flow velocity is one of most important indexes of habitat, and velocity habitat suitability curve usually stands for the relationship between organisms and flow velocity. Traditional habitat suitability curve for fish can be obtained through experience or spot field investigation, whose drawbacks include subjectivity, huge cost and time-consumption. In order to make up for above drawbacks, the author attempt to design the velocity gradual change circular channel, to use physiological and ecological control test of young Carassius Auratus to seek a new method that can reveal fish habitat suitability curve, to establish the velocity HSC which indirectly comes from the aggregative index of physiological and ecological indexes. The result shows that the curve from new method can relatively accurately reflect the function between fish and flow velocity. Our experiment and analytical method can be used as a source of reference to create velocity habitat suitability curve for various organisms.


Year: 2013

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