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Research on the Water Quality Simulation of Shiyan Reservoir Based on WASP7.3 Model

Author(s): Anna Xu; Liping Wang; Jijie Chen; Xi Zhou; Yueyue Qin

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Keywords: WASP; Water quality simulation; Parameter calibration; Sensitive analysis; GIS

Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, water pollution problems have become more and more serious in Shenzhen. In order to ease these problems, the WASP7. 3 (water quality analysis simulation program) model recommended by United States Environmental Protection Agency was applied in Shiyan Reservoir in this paper. After the application of geographic information system (GIS), the performance of the model is enhanced. According to the observation data of water quality in the Shiyan Reservoir, dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and other important water quality indices were considered in the process of water quality simulation. After model parameter calibration was carried out, the WASP model was proved to be feasible and reliable by comparing the simulation result with the observation data. According to the integral analysis of WASP model structure, sensitivity analysis of single parameter was carried out. The result of sensitive analysis shows that the high sensitive parameter in dissolved oxygen is the flow rate, temperature and reduction rate at 20℃. At last, according to the hydrological characteristics of Shiyan Reservoir, dissolved oxygen was selected to be the main factor. GIS technology was used to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of the dissolved oxygen concentration. Based on the above results, the causes of the pollution in Shiyan Reservoir as well as suggestions to the water quality management are provided in this paper.


Year: 2013

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