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An Experimental Study on the Effects of a Steep Inland Cliff on the Beach Morphological Change Caused by Tsunami-Like Flows

Author(s): Shawn Yisheng Sim; Zhenhua Huang; Peizhen Song

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Keywords: Bed load; Sediment transport; Solitary wave; Suspended load; Tsunami inundation

Abstract: Tsunamis can cause extensive damages to coastal structures and also significantly change the coastal morphology because of sediment transport across the shore. A recent example is the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake tsunami event. Tanaka et al. (2012) gave evidence of the damage the tsunami caused in Figure 1. It is clearly shown that the tsunami not only transported sediments away from the shore, it also caused damage to coastal protection structures (breakwaters). Hence, there is a need to identify the mechanisms that lead to these sediment transport processes. However, previous studies on the changes of onshore morphology are only limited to plane beaches.


Year: 2013

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