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Research on Wave Force Calculation on a Curved Surface Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines

Author(s): Haijun Wang; Quan Xi

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Keywords: Horizontal wave force; Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation; Curved surface; Diffraction theory; Variable-diameter

Abstract: As offshore wind power is developing at an amazing speed, many new foundations for wind turbines are put forward. The composite bucket foundation is a new structure with curved surfaces. It is essential for marine structure design to accurately calculate wave force of curved surface structures. In this paper, improved wave force calculation formulas of a curved surface structure were put forward basing on the R. C. MacCamy and R. A. Fuchs diffraction theory which was derived on a rigid cylindrical structure. The formulas of the horizontal wave force calculation were derived by changing the invariable-diameter in the MacCamy-Fuchs formulas to a variable-diameter. Meanwhile, the horizontal wave force was also calculated and analyzed by a 3-D numerical simulation method. It was shown that the results of the formulas are slightly larger than the results of the 3-D numerical simulation. These formulas may be useful to the design of foundations for offshore wind turbines.


Year: 2013

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