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Research on Experiment and Model of the Slope Runoff and Erosion in the Southwest Drought Area of the Pearl River Basin

Author(s): Fang Yang; Hehai Xie; Biqiu Zeng; Xinghua Ma; Dawei Zha

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Keywords: Karst area; Slope runoff; Macrospores; Darcy equation; Artificial rainfall

Abstract: The pure homogeneous soil does not exist in nature, a lot of pores exist in the soil, the karst area is so. The karst area is widely distributed in the southwest drought area of the Pearl River Basin, in order to study the characteristics of the basin runoff production and erosion in the karst area, several runoff experiment plots are designed and artificial rainfall test is developed. Study on the slope runoff and sediment production in the karst area with the various underlaying surface conditions and various rainfall process. A model of slope runoff and sediment production is developed in the karst area. The model is mainly pay attention to the infiltration in the macrospores; a new model of infiltration in soil was developed, the model consisted of two flow domains: soil matrix, with flow modeled by means of Darcy equation, and macropores; the latter was permanent macropores, independent of matrix saturation. in the permanent macropores sub-domain, a kinematic wave equation was assumed, with parameters physically related with macropores shape and dimension. Artificial rainfall experiment gets a large amount of test data, to verify that the development model provides data validation, model validation is further processed.


Year: 2013

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