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Application of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Through Non-Tidal Barotropic Numerical Modelling to Simulate Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) Events in Singapore Regional Water

Author(s): Alamsyah Kurniawan; Serene Hui Xin Tay; Seng Keat Ooi; Samuel Marc Pascal Jolivet; Vladan Babovic; Herman Gerritsen

Linked Author(s): Seng Keat Ooi, Vladan Babovic

Keywords: Sea level anomalies; Ocean-atmosphere coupling; Non-tidal barotropic numerical modelling; Tide-surge interaction; Singapore Regional Waters

Abstract: The hydrodynamic flows in the Singapore region are the result of a complex mix of tide, seasonal and meteorological effects. The study of non-tidal effects or sea level anomalies (SLA) in this region has shown that it is possible to model some of these anomalies. It has previously been shown by Ooi et al. (2009, 2011) that there is a need for a basin-scale model to be able to properly model SLA in the Singapore region as SLA are caused by wind and pressure fields in the open ocean. In addition, Ooi et al. (2011) have also shown that there is a need to have a fine-resolution grid to specify complex topographic features for more accurate forecasting of SLA for operational purposes. The present work addresses the application of ocean-atmosphere coupling through non-tidal barotropic numerical modelling and studies the cause and effect relations between regional meteorological features and observed water levels at different scales. A detailed investigation of the levels of non-linear tide-surge interaction is carried out by simulating SLA events in the Singapore Regional Waters during North-East (positive SLA) and South-West (negatives SLA) monsoon based on NCEP-CFSR numerical weather forcing conditions. Temporal distributions and mean differences comparisons between simulated and observed results suggest that finer resolution models and tide-surge interaction approach improve the simulation of SLA.


Year: 2013

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