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Geo-Environmental Modeling for the Northern Part of the Arabian Gulf

Author(s): Altaf Taqi; Eqbal Al-Enezi

Linked Author(s): Eqbal H. Al-Enezi

Keywords: Rabian Gulf; Bottom Sediments; Nutrients; Adsorption; Hydrodynamics modeling

Abstract: Recently the northern part of the Arabian Gulf region is undergoing a major environmental stress posed by increasing level of marine pollution, which may cause damaging effects to the ecosystem components. Such pollution is visible through water column including bed sediments and as a result, excessive amounts of nutrients (i. e. phosphorus and nitrogen) are loaded to the marine environment manifested by eutrophication phenomenon. Bottom sediments can adsorb significant amount of pollution from water column. However, the pollution flux could be leached from these sediments and increase the pollution level. The aim of this study is to understand the nutrient cycle within the different components in water column and surface bed sediments of the study area through method of numerical modeling along with experimental work. Such study would improve the understanding of numerical modeling tool and data generated will have such scientific value for making comprehensive Marine Environment Impact Assessments. Laboratory experiments and analysis for are carried out for freeze dry sediment samples collected from the northern part of Arabian Gulf. Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen forms (NO2, NO3, NH4) are analyzed using spectrophotometer according to method of Murphy and Riely (1962) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis according to Walkley-Black procedure. Also, three- dimensional analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of the Arabian Gulf was carried out using Delft3D-Flow module. This study only present the preliminary results of the experimental work carried out and general hydrodynamics in the Arabian Gulf waters, yet it is needed for future study, a water quality model to be developed for a better concrete understanding of nutrient cycling in marine environment and their interaction with ecosystem components.


Year: 2013

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