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3D Flow Model of Aquifer Systems of Central Veneto (ITALY)

Author(s): Giulia Passadore; Martina Monego; Michele Sartori; Mario Putti; Lorenzo Altissimo; Andrea Sottani; Andrea Rinaldo

Linked Author(s): Andrea Rinaldo

Keywords: Quifer; Groundwater flow; Flow model; Permeability; Piezometric head

Abstract: For the last thirty years, the aquifer system of Central Veneto (Italy) has been involved by an increasing demand of water for domestic and private use and by a relevant reduction of groundwater heads. The regional groundwater model developed is a large scale model taking origins from detailed studies of the hydrogeological system. Its purpose is to provide boundary conditions for the study of flow and transport models at smaller scale and to predict the behaviour of the aquifers in conditions different from the present-day ones (changes in rainfall trend, rivers regime, soil use). The three-dimensional flow model of the aquifer systems is based on a large number of experimental data, concerning both groundwater balance (measured rain in pluviometric stations, water flux dispersed by rivers and irrigation channels, water flux outflowing from of the springs, water withdrawal from a large number of private and public wells) and hydraulic permeability of aquifers. A threedimensional geological model of the system has been created by means of geological sections and stratigraphies. The flow simulations are performed using a tetrahedral finite element code. The model is calibrated on the basis of real piezometric heads and is used to analyze the interaction between the unconfined aquifer, located in the northern part of the study area, and the multiaquifer system that originates in this area and proceeds towards the sea.


Year: 2007

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