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Analysis of Combined Sewer Overflow Spill Frequency/Volume in North of Spain

Author(s): Anta Jose; Beneyto Maria; Cagiao Juan; Temprano Javier; Pineiro Jose; Gonzalez Javier; Suarez Joaquin; Puertas Jeronimo

Linked Author(s): Jose Anta Álvarez, Jerónimo Puertas Agudo

Keywords: Combined sewer overflow; CSO tanks; Spill frequency; Storm water management model

Abstract: Combined sewer overflows conducted to receiving waters must be included in the pressure analysis of receiving systems. To estimate these pressures, the number of CSO events or the amount of water released over a time period can be used as a tool to assess the performance of the sewer system. This paper presents a comparison of the hydraulic behaviour of CSO tanks placed downstream from six catchments located in three cities of North of Spain. After modelling the four catchments in Lugo, it was possible to calculate the effect of the specific storage volume of these devices on the amount of water released and the number of CSO events. The results obtained are compared with those reported in Santander (Temprano, 1996) and Santiago de Compostela (Beneyto, 2004). The relationships between the number of CSO events/percentage of spilled runoff and the specific storage capacity of the tanks allowed us to obtain an order of magnitude on which to base the sizing of these structures.


Year: 2007

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