Author(s): Giuseppe Oliveto; Antonella Di Domenico; Victor Comuniello
Linked Author(s): Giuseppe Oliveto
Keywords: Local scour; Cylindrical piers; Live-bed regime; Densimetric particle Froude number
Abstract: This paper aims to provide an empirical model for predicting the temporal development of local scour around cylindrical piers under live-bed conditions. In addition to the clear-water scour equation previously introduced by Oliveto and Hager (2002), the proposed model could also provide a more consistent assessment of the scour process under unsteady flow. Several experimental series by Sheppard and Miller (2006) and Chabert and Engeldinger (1956) have been analysed by using the same dimensionless groups as in Oliveto and Hager (2002). A new relationship is thus provided with a reasonably restricted data dispersion.
Year: 2007