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Application of the Equivalent Triangular Storm Model for Estimating Coastal Risk

Author(s): R. E. Musumeci; V. Russo; F. Arena; C. Faraci; E. Foti

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Keywords: Coastal risk; Beach erosion; Equivalent Triangular Storm

Abstract: The paper proposes a new approach for the estimate of the risk of beach erosion. The Equivalent Triangular Storm (ETS) model is applied for the wave data analysis and both the alldirectional and directional return period of severe storms off-coast are evaluated. Then, by using such an approach, in order to quantify the risk of beach erosion the effects of storms on cross-shore evolution beach profiles are evaluated by using a practical cross-shore sediment transport model. Results obtained by using the ETS are compared with those gathered by adopting a single sea-state analysis. It turned out that the beach withdrawal estimated with the proposed approach is similar but slightly smaller than the one calculated in a more conventional way. Finally, two empirical formulae for the estimate of beach recession are proposed, for the all-directional and directional cases respectively, based on the ETS parameters.


Year: 2007

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